Marengo Lions – Let’s Get It Started!

2017-18 School Year Gets Underway at Marengo Elementary

PHOTO: Sara Shaffer | | 4th grade girls ready to hit the books!

Enthusiastic Lions from kindergarten to BMOC 5th graders made their way into the front gates of Marengo Elementary School on Wednesday August 16 for the 2017/18 school year. Excitement was definitely in the air with even a false sense of “Fall” given the cloudy weather as students recognized friends and looked to find their new teachers and classrooms. Parents lingered looking both anxious and pleased to send their kids off for a day of school after the dog days of summer.

PHOTO: | Tara Murray in front of Marengo Elementary ready to get it started!

Now in her second year as Principal, Patricia Cheadle, says it will be an exciting year as the teachers implement new programs, receive professional development and the Mandarin Dual Immersion Program will be in its second year with classes in kindergarten and first grade. Cheadle enthuses, “I am most excited about getting into the classrooms to experience all of the learning taking place. I particularly enjoy visiting classrooms when the students are collaborating during group projects. It is amazing to watch them challenge one another and stretch their thinking!” She goes on to say, “Since this is my second year at Marengo, it was so fun to be welcomed by familiar and smiling faces on the first day of school! Even though the kids have been on summer break, they were eager to meet their teachers and get started with a new year.”

PHOTO: Priya Sridharan | | Rafa and Rayan Estolano-Sridharan with their school gear on point

The first weeks are packed full Back To School Night on August 24, Labor Day Weekend, PTA getting underway, the Marengo Parent Party on September 23 and the Read-A-Thon kickoff on September 27.

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Best of luck to all the Marengo Lion Families for a happy, safe and successful school year!

PHOTO: | Tara Murray with popular teacher Miss Rodriguez