Letter to the Editor | ‘City’s Actions Against Alison Smith’

'Why would the City Attorney recommend seeing this to court? Perhaps because, to date, Highsmith has billed the city over $130,000 for litigation expenses'

FILE PHOTO: Eric Fabbro | SouthPasadenan.com News | City Attorney Teresa Highsmith

Khubesrian was right. She’s not solely responsible for the City’s horrendous actions against Alison Smith.

City Manager DeWolfe and City Attorney Highsmith are equally to blame.

DeWolfe lead an organization that:

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  • Violated city and state law not training staff on state mandated emergency response plans for sewer maintenance – directly leading to the damage,
  • Violated city and state regulations by not cleaning up the damage caused by a sewer malfunction in the city’s main line sewer system,
  • Violated the 2011 Consent Judgement with the Attorney General,
  • Submitted a false report to the State Waterboard, intentionally misrepresenting the size and duration of the spill,
  • Generated demonstrably false internal memos to cover their mistakes regarding the spill, and
  • Falsified an affidavit to obtain an illegal search against a resident.

Highsmith, violated her fiduciary duty to the City: It’s a conflict for a contract attorney to provide advice to Council on work conducted by another partner of the same firm.

And here’s why: The cost to clean up the spill caused from a backup in the City’s own mainline system would have been roughly $40,000.

Why would the City Attorney recommend seeing this to court? Perhaps because, to date, Highsmith has billed the city over $130,000 for litigation expenses.

Highsmith has been lining the pockets of her own firm while DeWolfe weaponizes City resources to abuse a resident harmed by the City’s own failing infrastructure and neglect.

It’s time for the Council to step up, take responsibility, and put an end to this madness.

– Stephen Rossi, South Pasadena Resident 






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