Letter to the Editor | ‘THANK YOU South Pasadena Voters!’

A message to voters from the Measure U Committee

Letters to the Editor | SouthPasadenan.com News

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Once again you have affirmed your support for our public safety departments, city services and small town way of life. On November 3rd South Pasadena voters approved Measure U by a HUGE margin, seventy six percent. As we move past the COVID crisis some tough decisions will be faced regarding the city budget. Measure U funds will go a long way to assuring we can recover and remain strong.

On behalf of the Measure U committee I would like to thank you for your endorsements, donations and for proudly displaying your support with a yard sign in front of your homes. And most importantly THANK YOU for voting YES on U and YES for our community.

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Ed Donnelly – Committee Chair
Yuki Cutcheon
Dean Serwin
Sally Kilby
Bianca Richards
Hanwul Choi
Kim Hughes
Ellen Torres
Ellen Wood
Jeff Rosenberg
Lisa Rosenberg
Margaret Lee
Zahir Robb

South Pasadena Yes on Measure U 2020 FPPC#1424228










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