Letter to the Editor: Peafowl – Peacocks in South Pasadena Scheduled to be Ejected

Bee Simpson

Local peacock on Mission Street


Our city is close to contracting for removal of peafowl. The company to do this is Raptor Events which includes taking raptors to birthday parties and weddings.

They claim to have 50 “sanctuaries” where the peafowl will go once removed. They will not release the locations of these places which they claim are located from Bakersfield to San Diego. When a councilmember, believe it was Mayor Cacciotti, asked would they not release more info “even to our city manager”, he was told no.

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Sept. 7 is the next council meeting where this will be discussed. We urge the residents to think about their taxes being spent $250 per bird to be removed while we have NO City Ordinance against feeding the birds. A man now retired who was a partner with RaptorEvents told me feeding is the main problem for it brings an artificially high population.

There is no evidence peafowl have a negative impact on native wildlife.

Is this the right decision? This is not removal of desks and filing cabinets, but removal of living animals. Shouldn’t we know where they are going, and what happens when there are too many at any sanctuary?