Letter to the Editor | ‘Jack Donovan for City Council’

'Jack Donovan is a good choice for the District 2 council person'

Letters to the Editor | SouthPasadenan.com News

The upcoming City Council Race is important to the future of our City.  The sitting City Council has made some good moves in accepting the resignation of a dishonored City Council person, and the dismissal of the City Manager, Stephanie Wolfe, and the Finance Director, Karen Aceves.  Sean Joyce, the interim City Manager is a good choice. Elaine Aguilar, assistant City Manager, will help to right our financial ship.

South Pasadena City Council candidate, Jack Donovan

Jack Donovan is a good choice for the District 2 council person. He has a long career of heading a small business and has demonstrated exceptional financial expertise. 

He has served as AYSO commissioner, a difficult and time consuming job. He is a strong advocate of the commission system, having served and chaired the Parks and Recreation Commission. The commission system allows the public to participate in City decisions in a transparent open manner. He will serve well on the ad hoc committee which is looking to develop a forward looking financial plan. He knows how to work with the other sitting Council people to lead us forward. He has no animosity toward those who have served or are serving this City.

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Jack Donovan is a man of integrity and claims no honors that he has not earned.  He can be trusted to be a clear calm advocate for the people of South Pasadena on the City Council.











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