Letter to the Editor | Jack Donovan Assumes South Pasadena Council Seat

'Together we can move forward to meet the current challenges to the City and focus on finding the solutions that will restore South Pasadena'

First I want to thank the voters of District 2. I am honored that you have placed your trust in me to be your voice on the City Council. I also pledge to not only represent District 2, but to do what is best for all the residents of South Pasadena.

My campaign pledge was accessibility, integrity, and transparency. These are not just words to me, they are who I am. I will be accessible. Discussions and decisions will be made with transparency. And, of primary importance, my votes will be cast with integrity.

I ran for City Council because I believed there was a substantial need for the City to change leadership and direction. Finances were in shambles. Commission input was ignored. Development was driven by outside interest and staff morale was all but non existent.

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The direction of the City needs changing and I want to be part of the leadership for that change. Together we can move forward to meet the current challenges to the City and focus on finding the solutions that will restore South Pasadena to the wonderful special place that it has been and will be once again.

And, finally I want to thank my campaign committee who never lost faith in me and worked tirelessly without complaint to make our campaign a success.


Jack Donovan










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