Letter to the Editor | ‘I Support Mayor Bob Joe in His Campaign’

"Mayor Joe really cares for the city"

FILE PHOTO: Eric Fabbro | SouthPasadenan.com News | Mayor of South Pasadena Bob Joe

By Barbara Klein

Dear Editor:

As a community volunteer at the Senior Center and a longstanding South Pasadena resident who attended almost every City Council meeting before the pandemic, I support Mayor Bob Joe in his campaign for re-election as District 1 City Councilmember.

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Prior to the Senior Center’s closure due to COVID-19, Bob Joe volunteered at all major Senior Center luncheons during his almost 10 years on the City Council. He also welcomed the guests, cracking jokes and making seniors feel welcome. Not only that, he helped serve lunches and clean up afterward.

Bob is a strong advocate for seniors, supporting Meals-on-Wheels, the Dial-A-ride program and Senior Center improvements. He encourages volunteering and recognizing all those who volunteer at the Senior Center and elsewhere.

Thanks to Bob Joe, our street repair project in District 1 in the hills has been completed.

Mayor Joe really cares for the city. I recommend all residents in District 1 vote for Robert “Bob” Joe for City Council.








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