Letter to the Editor | ‘City Government Offers No Help with Power Blackout in Monterey Hills’

'Requests to the City to prod SCE to fix this outage have been fruitless'

All the homes on Las Palmitas Street in the Monterey Hills have been without power since about 10:30 am on Sunday, September 7. Temperature in our homes reached 106 degrees yesterday.

Requests to the City to prod SCE to fix this outage have been fruitless. According to SCE, there is still no firm schedule to fix the problem and, based on its outage map, SCE may not even know where the problem is located.

This episode again demonstrates that the City of South Pasadena has NO procedures in place to assist with utility and public works emergencies. On weekends, holidays, and after hours, if you call Public Works, you are directed to call the Police Department where a snotty dispatcher will offer NO assistance and apparently cannot even contact city officials to alert them of the emergency. The City does not maintain a 24/7 emergency hot line for residents to call.

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This situation must be addressed in the very near future. The City cannot continue to operate like it was still Mayberry circa 1965. We need at the very least a 24/7 emergency dispatch center (NOT the police department) that can notify the proper resources to assist with speedy repairs or recovery.

City Council needs to be held accountable for the declining state of infrastructure in the City and the complete lack of emergency preparedness. If it will take additional funding, then let’s put together a solid plan to bring the City into the 21st century.and get the residents to support it.

Regards, Tom Dolan
South Pasadena Resident 







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