Letter to the Editor | Caltrans Homes Sales Decision is Vital

Letters to the Editor | SouthPasadenan.com News

By Delaine Shane

Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members:


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Selling the Caltrans properties to qualified buyers is a win-win for our community and for the tax base for the City. And, it has been done before, as you all well know.

My neighbors and I don’t want our taxes (or for the City to apply for grants) to directly pay for these houses. Qualified buyers of these houses will be the ones who will fix up and live in these houses and add to the welcoming and warm nature of our neighborhood community.

Use our taxes instead to do the right thing NOW:

  • Repair or replace the West Side Reservoir before it fails and causes widespread death and destruction to the families and structures in the immediate path of this water reservoir off of Glen Place.
  • Repave Meridian Avenue from Monterey Road to Kendall Avenue, as it was last done in the late 1960s, and is now crumbling away that indirectly could impact subsurface structures as well as the safety of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
  • Install an upright flashing beacon at the Meridian/Bank school crosswalk (for the students and adults who use the stadium) to traverse that dangerous intersection safely.
  • Install a three-way stop sign at Meridian/Maple and relocate the crosswalk to the south side of that intersection to support the school kids and adults that use the Meridian/Bonita public staircase to safely cross Meridian at Maple.
  • Slow the speeders down on Meridian Avenue with effective traffic calming measures.
  • Re-examine how the municipal code can be revised to deal with parking issues along Meridian Avenue.
  • Create the pocket park promised to residents on Berkshire several years ago, but which still remains a vacant, and at times, weedy lot.

The City is not a residential landlord with property management expertise. Selling these properties to an HRE is no improvement over Caltrans. And hiring consultants to manage the City’s properties??? Just how much money has been spent on the services of Mr. Adam Ellison of Civic Stone? How much for Mr. Grant Henninger’s contract? Additional contractual services for inspections? Why didn’t the City take up the offer to work with the qualified SPPF officials?

Enough already, STOP with SB 381. Go with SPPF’s plan!

Sincerely, Delaine Shane 2003 Meridian Avenue




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