Letter to the Editor | ‘Bob Joe Has Always Been a Leader’

'Bob has always been a leader who engages with the public and businesses for the betterment of all the citizens of South Pasadena'

FILE PHOTO: Esteban Lopez | SouthPasadenan.com News | Mayor Bob Joe

By Shireen Chang

I am supporting Mayor Bob Joe for re-election as City Councilmember for District 1. As Mayor, he was instrumental in the City’s ability to meet unprecedented challenges caused by the pandemic and the economic shutdown.

Bob has led the process in finding an experienced interim city manager and an interim assistant city manager for finance. As our Mayor, he knows that having the right leadership will increase transparency and restore confidence in city governance.

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He supports and will be working with two subcommittees on police reform. One was established by the City Council, and one by the Public Safety Commission. They are reviewing police policies and will recommend changes.

Bob has always been a leader who engages with the public and businesses for the betterment of all the citizens of South Pasadena.

Please re-elect Bob Joe!






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