Lauren O’Connor Reviews The Book “Finally Full, Finally Slim”

Book Review by Lauren O’Connor, MS, RD

Let’s face it; the science of anything can be boring, complicated and hard to digest – nutritional studies be not the exception. Just what it will take for you to lose weight and keep it off can seem elusive if not contradictory. Fear not, Dr. Lisa Young, Ph.D., R.D.N., C.N.N., author of Finally Full, Finally Slim presents the science in “news you can chew” so that you don’t have to get bogged down with misleading information or get lost in the science behind good health.

If you were looking for a book to force you into shape, this isn’t for you. Truth be told, oftentimes people start quick with an intense plan only to stumble back down and gain the weight back. Finally Full, Finally Slim provides practical tools, news you can truly use and a plan you can follow. For Dr. Young, the solution is simple: “Eat foods you love in reasonable portions, and you will lose your excess weight and keep it off for good.”

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A kitchen guide to help you succeed is one of my favorite parts of the book. When your space is organized, uncluttered with healthy foods accessible, it’s easier to follow a healthy plan. And I find that as a registered dietitian, this is something that my clients often overlook. Eating right is more than just the foods we chose to eat, it’s also how we eat and the environment we set up for ourselves.

You’ll find digestible bits of information broken down into handy sections such as
“Bite-Sized Goodies”, “Wedges of wisdom,” and “Slices of Advice” amidst an engaging text that recalls guides you toward healthier living by addressing portion control, healthy plating, mindful eating and much much more. It includes simple recipes, easy swaps and even ways to decrease stress and improve your sleeping habits to improve your overall health.

And of course, Dr. Young, an internationally recognized nutritionist and portion size expert — the author of The Portion Teller — would be remiss not to include the reasons, the science, the tools and visual guide to size your portions and balance your plate for color, taste and satisfaction.

You can find Finally Full, Finally Slim at and check out Dr. Lisa Young’s website at