City of South Pasadena | Virtual Housing Rights Workshop Nov 5

The Workshop will provide information on tenant and landlord rights and many other issues

The Housing Rights Center (HRC) will be hosting a Virtual Housing Rights Workshop for residents of South Pasadena on Thursday, November 5, 2020, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The Workshop will provide information on tenant and landlord rights, Fair Housing Laws, AB 3088, AB 1482, COVID-19 Local Protections, and more.

The virtual workshop is FREE and will be conducted over ZOOM. Registration is required.

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The HRC serves tenants and landlords during this health crisis with weekly programming and webinars. Each week, the HRC provides FREE virtual workshops on COVID-19 resources.

The “walk-in clinic” offers virtual housing counseling to both tenants and landlords Wednesday through Friday. The HRC is prepared to answer questions on federal and state fair housing laws, common forms of housing discrimination, protected characteristics, unlawful practices, and COVID-19 resources.

The HRC is a nonprofit civil-rights organization that has addressed the challenges of housing discrimination since 1968. The HRC provides assistance to residents with discrimination complaints and landlord-tenant disputes. The HRC also provides training and outreach assistance to landlords and tenants.

For more information on fair housing resources, please visit: or