Ben Tansey

Ben Tansey
Ben Tansey is a journalist and author. He grew up in the South Bay and is a graduate of Evergreen State College. He worked in Washington State as a reporter in a rural timber community and for many years as an editor for a Western electric energy policy publication based in Seattle.
City Manager Arminé Chaparyan informs the city council that there will be an exploration and assessment of all city services and venue fees coming up.

South Pasadena City Manager Resignation Accepted | Police Chief, Community Services Director Appointed ‘Co-Acting...

During a closed meeting this evening, the South Pasadena City Council voted to accept the resignation of City Manager Arminé Chaparyan and agreed to a 7-page separation and release agreement. Effective immediately, South Pasadena...
PHOTO: South Pasadenan News | City Manager Arminé Chaparyan

South Pasadena to Appoint New Acting City Manager | Bungled Budget Work Sinks Chaparyan

Frustrated with ongoing budget struggles, the South Pasadena City Council will hold a closed meeting Tuesday to appoint a new acting interim city manager, at the same time ending the tenure of South Pasadena...
CalTrans Homes for sale and now on the market in South Pasadena. Not Ready to sell yet. Not ready to sell yet. CalTrans Homes for sale are NOT on the market in South Pasadena until State Approval Process & Close of Escrow to The City of South Pasadena in order to resell.

CalTrans Home Sales South Pasadena | Confusion & Poor Communication Over Status of Caltrans...

Confusion about the status of historic Caltrans homes blew up this week when the city’s contracted realtor published a press release suggesting they were ready for sale to the public. But the five unoccupied historic...
South Pasadena City Council Meeting March 1st, 2024. Jon Primuth makes an apology for previous comments made about Finance Commissioner Sheila Rossi and the work she brought to light.

City Council South Pasadena | Primuth Apologizes, Finance Ad Hoc Reauthorized

In another dramatic reversal, the South Pasadena City Council last Wednesday unanimously voted to re-instate the financial advisory board it abruptly dissolved only six weeks earlier. The lead up to the vote featured an...

New Interim Finance Director Deal in the Works | South Pasadena Finance Dept. Pushing...

Scott Miller, a retired municipal finance official with four decades in the field, is being considered to serve as South Pasadena's new finance director on an interim basis, the South Pasadenan News has learned. Although...

Crisis Response Program ‘CARE’ | City Council Seeks Better Utilization & Outreach

Frustrated with the chronic under-utilization and constrained outreach of the city's experimental alternative to police responses for mental and behavioral health crises, the City Council last week directed staff to rework a draft agreement...
Finance Ad Hoc Committee : South Pasadena City Council Live Feed | City Council at the Feb. 21st Special Joint Meeting receiving the latest finance report.

Wednesday Night Council Meeting: Re-Establishing Finance Ad Hoc Committee is On The Agenda

Responding to pressure from citizens, South Pasadena City Council on Wednesday May 1 will decide whether to bring back the controversial Finance Ad Hoc Committee it voted last month on a split 3-2 vote...
CalTrans Homes Sales South Pasadena

Important CalTrans Homes Hearing in South Pasadena: FRIDAY APRIL 26th at SPHS 5pm~8pm

As the curtain draws near on final acts in Caltrans' ill-fated, 70-year attempt to build a freeway through South Pasadena—disposition of the properties it acquired to do so—final rules are being put into place. Caltrans...
Finance Director South Pasadena resigns position after only four months. City budget is not ready.

City Finance Director Exits South Pasadena After 13 Months

Only days before the April 17 kickoff of the city's accelerated budget process and four months since formally taking over as South Pasadena's permanent Finance Director, John Downs has told the city he will...
CPA: Clean Power Alliance (CPA) cost accountability and South Pasadena city finance deficit issues are on the table for changes at City Council Meeting. Bills are to high. Expensive and not tracked.

Electric Bills South Pasadena | Clean Power Alliance (CPA) Arrangement is on The Chopping...

South Pasadena, which four years ago opted to rely solely on renewable power for city operations under the Clean Power Alliance’s (CPA) “100 percent Green Power” product, is set to reconsider that decision at...
South Pasadena City Finance. Giulioni. Jon Primuth accuses Sheila Rossi of making flase statement, later proven Jon was wrong.

City Finance Commission Meeting | Finance Panel Pushed for ‘Corrected’ Answers, Defined Issues, as...

With the caveat that Finance staff will provide City Council a “high level understanding” of requested budget data, the South Pasadena Finance Commission on March 28 voted 4-0 to recommend Council approval of the...

City Council South Pasadena | The Twisting 7-Hour March 20 Meeting Ended With Turmoil

In a wide-ranging and at times contentious seven-hour session, South Pasadena City Council members on Wednesday evening: killed a panel reviewing details of the city’s projected budget deficits; partially backed off a controversial new...
Finance Ad Hoc Committee : South Pasadena City Council Live Feed | City Council at the Feb. 21st Special Joint Meeting receiving the latest finance report.

City Finance Issues: The Brown Act Called to Question & Finance Ad Hoc Committee...

In a de facto acknowledgment it acted illegally, the South Pasadena City Council tonight is set to rescind the finance ad hoc committee it set up during the Feb.21, 2024 fiscal review session, and...
Caltrans homes South Pasadena

CalTrans Homes | Newly Signed Real Estate Sales Rep. Responds to Concerns

The Keller Williams DTLA and The Dave Knight Real Estate Team, selected last week by the South Pasadena City Council to resell the 19 residential properties that the city is negotiating to purchase from...
CalTrans Homes Sales South Pasadena

Caltrans Homes Sales | City’s Prospective Real Estate Rep is With Keller Williams: KW...

The real estate firm the City of South Pasadena intends to hire to resell properties it is buying from Caltrans is affiliated with one of three nationwide brokerages ordered this week to pay a...

CalTrans Homes Purchases | Broker Contract Set For Council Approval

The City of South Pasadena says it intends to purchase unoccupied properties in town offered to it by Caltrans in the former SR 710 extension corridor. Formal public acknowledgment of the long-awaited deal came in...

CalTrans Homes South Pasadena | 626 Prospect Settlement: Judge Acts on His Own Motion

Judge Curtis A. Kin has approved a settlement in South Pasadena's lawsuit challenging Caltrans' sale of the 12-unit multi-family property at 626 Prospect to the development arm of the Pasadena-based Friendship Baptist Church. The judge...

CalTrans Homes | Deadline Set, Costs Rise in Battle to Combine CalTrans Property Settlements

Nearly 10 months after South Pasadena Mayor Jon Primuth said the City “soon will have a well-developed set of options” to purchase 19 Caltrans-owned residential properties, no plan has emerged. Meantime the city's cost...

South Pasadena Housing | General Plan Update, Housing Element Approved, Errors & Confusing Data...

The South Pasadena City Council on Sept. 27 approved major changes to its 25-year-old General Plan, along with a bevy of related zoning ordinances and an environmental document. The changes will put the city...

Development | City Moves Toward Adoption of Housing Element, General Plan Update; Confusion...

After nine years of twists and turns and about a million dollars spent, long-awaited updates to the South Pasadena General Plan and its Downtown Specific Plan, as well as related zoning changes and environmental...

Historic Garfield House South Pasadena | How Caltrans Enabled Restoration of an Important Local...

When Lori and Grant Davis-Denny purchased the historic Garfield House in South Pasadena in 2015 for $3 million, they knew they were taking on a sacred legacy. “We look at ourselves as stewards of the...
Finance Director South Pasadena resigns position after only four months. City budget is not ready.

Budget Rejected | City Council Left With Many Questions as Process Stumbles

Facing echoes of the procedural trainwreck that derailed adoption of the city budget in summer of 2020, the South Pasadena City Council on June 7 unanimously rejected a staff recommendation to approve the 2023-24...

NEW CITY ATTORNEY | City Dumps Colantuono; Rozanne M. Diaz Named City Attorney

With little affect or discussion Wednesday, South Pasadena City Council members ended the city’s tumultuous nine-year relationship with Pasadena law firm Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley,  unanimously voting to approve a three-year contract for city...
PHOTO: Staff | The South Pasadenan News | South Pasadena City Hall on Mission Street

$500,000 BLM Settlement Report | South Pasadena Conducting “Organizational Assessments”

Black Lives Matter protesters Fahren James and Victoria Patterson have settled their civil rights lawsuit against the City of South Pasadena and five of its police officers. Terms were not made public but are...

New Lawfirm for South Pasadena | Vote to Replace Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley

South Pasadena City Council members will decide Wednesday whether to begin a search for a new firm to provide the City’s principal legal services. The long-anticipated vote constitutes a referendum on Colantuono, Highsmith &...

CITY FINANCE | Interim Director Departure Extends Finance Department Challenges

South Pasadena Interim Finance Director Maida Alcantara, who has served in that position for only three months, unexpectedly left the job late last month, the City acknowledged late Friday. Alcantara, the third interim to...

626 Prospect | City to Forego Injunction Under Tentative Settlement

Attorneys litigating Caltrans’ controversial sale of its 12-unit, multifamily residential property at 626 Prospect in South Pasadena have reached a tentative settlement. According to a document filed in LA Superior Court Tuesday, the deal...

New Councilmember | Braun to Focus on Trust, Planning and Governance

Janet Braun, slated to be sworn in tonight as the councilmember from South Pasadena’s Fifth District, told the South Pasadenan News last week she will support rebidding the city’s legal services and is prepared...

Incoming Mayor | First Time Mayor Primuth to Focus on Streets and Seniors

Streets and seniors will be top priorities for Jon Primuth, the first term District 3 South Pasadena city council member who is expected tonight to be chosen by his colleagues to serve as South...

Musk Security Guard Allegedly Rams Motorist in South Pasadena Parking Lot

South Pasadena officials today said that someone--they won't say who--believes that it was member of Elon Musk’s security team who used his vehicle on the evening of Tuesday December 13 to ram into another...
South Pasadena
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