WISPPA Forum: ‘Conversation with Our City’ | Saturday, April 10

Zoom meeting will give citizens an opportunity to discuss numerous issues with City of South Pasadena representatives. Presented by Women Involved in South Pasadena Political Activism

PHOTO: WISPPA | SouthPasadenan.com

There are many questions that residents have regarding the Senior Center, City Budgets, Changes in Zoning Rules, the list goes on. Now is your opportunity to ask those questions during this Zoom Forum sponsored by WISPPA this Saturday!

The Forum will include the following representatives from the city:

  • Sean Joyce, Interim City Manager
  • Elaine Aguilar, Interim Finance Director/Asst. City Mgr.
  • Joanna Hankamer, Director of Planning and Community Development

Please feel free to submit your questions ahead of time, to wisppaorg@gmail.com or you may type your questions in the chat function during the Forum.

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ZOOM LINK: Join Zoom Meeting https://standtogether.zoom.us/j/4739928817?pwd=M0JIeXlMbHBUQlQxOFE2Y2hIZnhnZz09 Meeting ID: 473 992 8817 Passcode: 304174