Welcome Back Tigers!

High School Registrations days begin

PHOTO: SouthPasadenan.com | Commissioner of Assemblies, Anders Keith, and Commissioner of Noontime, Adam Fagenson working the registration line

A bit bleary-eyed but also excited, South Pasadena High School Tigers began registering this morning at 8 a.m. The line at the library was out the door for the remainder of the morning as seniors made their way through the now familiar ritual of dropping off paperwork, sitting for their ID photos and picking up their new SAC cards. Several seniors remarked as they left the library that this was their last high school registration.

PHOTO: SouthPasadenan.com | New Vice Principal, David Speck

New Vice Principal, David Speck, was on hand to welcome students saying, “it’s so fun because I will literally recognize some faces from when they were in fourth grade and here they are, some of them six feet tall!” Speck spent years teaching at the elementary schools as well as serving as summer school Principal for the past six years. Staff and students alike are happy to have “Mr. Spectacular” aboard at the high school.

PHOTO: SouthPasadenan.com | Seniors picking up their schedules and books for the last time

Next stop was picking up schedules and a big stack of books. Counselors and volunteer parents were hard at work, especially in the counseling office where students line up to make changes to their schedules. Band Camp is in their final few days and could be heard rehearsing on the field…can’t miss that drumline!

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PHOTO: SouthPasadenan.com | Senior Mom and volunteer extraordinaire, PJ Lutz, pictured with her twin daughters, Jaqueline and Veronica

Football practice is well underway as well with their first scrimmage this week and first game in three weeks. Senior running back and full back, Jackson Totleben, said of the coming season “it’s pretty exciting having Coach Chi finally as our head coach. He’s been the assistant coach the whole time I’ve been here so we all know him really well, we like to mess around with him, so I think that’s going to make the season really fun.”

School starts officially Wednesday August 16. Let’s go Tigers!

PHOTO: SouthPasadenan.com | Seniors entering the Ida Phair Library to register for the last year of high school