Transitional Kindergarten Program Expands | SPUSD Snapshot

SPUSD Transitional Kindergarten Program set to expand starting in 2022-2023


Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, SPUSD plans to expand access to its Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program to provide more early childhood education. The goal of the program is to achieve universal TK for four year olds by the 2025-2026 school year as specified in California Assembly Bill 130.

The existing TK program is designed for students who turn five years old between September 2 and December 2. Over the next four years, eligibility for the local TK program will expand by two months each year. For example, in the 2022-2023 school year students who turn five between September 2 and February 2 will be eligible to register. Classroom ratios under this program are currently limited to 12 students for every one adult in a classroom.

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MODEL: Half-Day Program with AM and PM Group (205 minutes daily)
AM Group: 8:10AM-11:35AM
PM Group: 11:35AM-3:00PM
SCHOOLS IN 2021-2022:
Arroyo Vista Elementary School
Monterey Hills Elementary School
TK Availability at Marengo is Dependent on Classroom Availability and Enrollment Numbers

SPUSD will offer registration for the TK program during its annual school registration process, which begins in mid-February. Additional details about transitional kindergarten may be found here.

PHOTO: Monterey Hills Elementary School | South News | Current SPUSD TK students enjoy time in the classroom at Monterey Hills Elementary School.