Tigers Football | Future Yell Leaders Cheer for the Home Team

PHOTO: Henk Friezer | South Pasadenan.com News | Future yell leaders from all elementary schools cheer for the Tigers.
Youngsters from various South Pasadena elementary schools joined SPHS cheerleaders in leading the stadium crowd in cheering for the home team. The annual tradition allows the youngsters to experience what it’s like to be a future yell leader.
PHOTO: Henk Friezer | South Pasadenan.com News | Future yell leaders from all elementary schools cheer for the Tigers.
The South Pasadena Middle School Band also took part as the musicians performed at halftime and during the National Anthem with their high school senior band counterparts.
PHOTO: Henk Friezer | South Pasadenan.com News | South Pasadena Middle School Band performs at halftime.