The Silver Award | Penny Aboud

South Pasadena Girl Scout Penny Aboud created an Earthquake Preparedness Guide for her Silver Award project.

PHOTO: Girl Scouts of America | | Penny Aboud and Fire Battalion Chief Erik Zanteson

The Silver Award is the second highest award a Girl Scout can earn. With the Great Shakeout coming on October 18th, Penny partnered with SPUSD to have the guide circulated to all five school campuses through email blasts to help raise awareness about earthquake safety.

“Most people my age don’t really know what to do in an earthquake. It’s something that we should think about, living in Southern California. There’s information for adults but I wanted to make something that kids can use that’s written for them.”

Fire Battalion Chief Erik Zanteson reviewed the guide and was so impressed with Penny’s work, he circulated the guide to South Pasadena city employees.

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“It’s impressive that a student is interested in providing this for her community and her fellow students. She’s involved in something for the community that she felt is important and contributes in a way that has positive outcomes. There’s an obvious creativity and a passion and there’s a lot of detail involved. It took research and connections with other people and that takes time and effort.”

The guide can be found online at