SPUSD Snapshot | 2021 SkillsUSA California Conference Results

The SPHS chapter won a silver level of distinction and $3,000, and students earned several awards in various categories

PHOTO: Provided by SPUSD | SouthPasadenan.com News | California State Treasurer and SPHS senior, Micah Mekhitarian, pictured with SkillsUSA California Executive Director Clay Mitchell, helped lead the SkillsUSA California Conference in person this year


SPHS SkillsUSA students recently competed in the 54th annual State Leadership and Skills State Conference. After a year of service in Zoom environments, SPHS state officers Jolene Lee, California State Vice President, and Micah Mekhitarian, California State Treasurer, were allowed to perform their State conference hosting duties in person in Ontario, California.

PHOTO: Provided by SPUSD | SouthPasadenan.com News | California State Vice President and SPHS senior, Jolene Lee

During the conference, the SPHS chapter won a silver level of distinction and $3,000, and students earned several awards in various categories:

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Gold Medalists

Ethan Xie, Related Technical Math
Connor Wang, Computer Programming
Annalea Pearson, Oscar Cassidy, Isha Zafra, and Avik Guatam, Entrepreneurship
Maya Villasenor, Graphic Imaging Dye Sublimation
Timothy Johnson and Lance Giles, 3D Animation and Visualization
Talulla Chow, Pin Design

Silver Medalists

Alica Zhang, Kiana Dettman, and Cyrus Hulme, Outstanding Chapter
Mollie Parker, Lauren Calderon and Allison Lee, Promotional Bulletin Board
Kayden Hung and Alex Mariano, Robotics Urban Search and Rescue
Claire Wang, Customer Service

Bronze Medalists

Christopher Kuizon, Computer Programming
Krish Patel, T-shirt Design
Caitlyn Chailitilerd, Job Demo Open

State Officer

Aerin Kim

National Delegates

Aerin Kim, Ethan Xie, Timothy Johnson and Krish Patel

Mail in State T-shirt Design

Laurian Lien, First Place and $150,
Eva Lee Second Place and $100

Mail in State Pin Design

Caitlyn Chailitilerd, First place and $150

Congratulations to all the hard-working students and their advisor, SPHS CTE teacher Sandra Matson-Fennell.