SPUSD COVID-19 Compliance Task Force Reviews Safety Protocols for Future School Reopenings

Group evaluates proposed health and safety measures based on Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Guidelines

PHOTO: Eric Fabbro | SouthPasadenan.com News | South Pasadena Unified School District Headquarters

Recently, the COVID-19 Compliance Task Force, comprised of South Pasadena Unified School District (SPUSD) administrators, teachers, health clerks, and parents representing elementary and secondary schools, met through Zoom to discuss various COVID-19 safety protocols that may be used in the future when schools physically reopen.

Led by District Nurse Abigail Silver, the group’s purpose is to monitor all COVID-19 safety standards and to ensure that students and employees receive proper education and information about COVID-19. The District Nurse is the designated member of the Task Force who serves as a liaison to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

“The role COVID-19 Compliance Task Force is critical to our reopening plans since the team will be monitoring implementation of all our health and safety preparations,” said SPUSD Board President Michele Kipke. “We are so thankful for the time and energy each member is contributing to our safe return to school.”

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Though SPUSD will remain in Distance Learning through at least winter break, schools are equipped and ready with proper PPE for teachers and students when it is time to return. The campuses have been redesigned to allow for socially distanced classrooms and one-direction movement patterns.

SPUSD support staff have been trained on proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols, and new hand sanitizing stations are positioned throughout campuses. Additionally, the District Nurse and school health clerks have established testing and reporting action guidelines and exposure management plans.

“SPUSD administrators and staff have put in countless hours ordering and installing the new equipment, restructuring the traffic flow on campuses and testing the protocols to make sure that we are fully prepared,” said Kipke.

One of the first jobs of the Task Force is to review the SPUSD 2020-2021 School Opening and Safety Plan before it is shared with the community. Representing a myriad of viewpoints, the Task Force ensures that recommendations are safe, feasible and practical for all groups—students, parents, employees, and administrators. Reviewing details related to health and safety protocols, facility cleaning and disinfecting, instruction, student support, and extracurricular activities, the Task Force also will help make sure that safety measures and reporting procedures are communicated clearly to the community.

“Over time, the COVID-19 Compliance Task Force will assist with monitoring the implementation of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health updates as they relate to the framework for reopening schools,” said Superintendent Geoff Yantz.

Since August, SPUSD has successfully implemented socially distanced and health county compliant child care services for 70 TK – 8th grade students. Students participate in Distance Learning by working in designated pods from Marengo Elementary School classrooms. In addition, last week the District brought SPHS student-athletes back to training and conditioning, following all safety protocols for an eagerly anticipated return to sports activities.

More information about the COVID-19 Compliance Task Force and the School Opening & Safety Plan may be found here.