SPUSD Construction Update | Three Elementary Schools Making Headway

PHOTO: Provided by SPUSD | SouthPasadenan.com News | Construction efforts at Monterey Hills Elementary

The South Pasadena Unified School District is making progress on three construction projects at each of its respective elementary schools located in the city.

A brief report on each of the individual undertakings, which include establishing more permanent structures functioning as classrooms (opposed to the numerous bungalow style buildings), was provided last week.

Monterey Hills ES

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Roofing is 80% complete pending installation of sheet metal flashing and final color coats. The team has prepared the exterior with building paper and metal lath for the stucco.

In mid-late September, minor fine grading around the building will be completed along with the installation of exterior stairs and elevators.

Arroyo Vista ES

PHOTO: Provided by SPUSD | SouthPasadenan.com News | Construction efforts at Arroyo Vista Elementary

The roofing is complete and the exterior is ready for the stucco color coat. When the exterior is completed, the final concrete flatwork and sidewalks will be placed around the building.

Shortly after, the team will focus on installing flooring and equipment.

Marengo ES

PHOTO: Provided by SPUSD | SouthPasadenan.com News | Construction efforts at Marengo Elementary

Teams are working on interior finishes and will begin the exterior stucco during the first week of September. Immediately following, the exterior concrete flatwork and sidewalks will be placed around the building.

The electrical work outside of the building will be completed after hours to avoid impacting the school’s ongoing activities.