South Pasadena Resident Counts Down To Inauguration

PHOTO: Amy Davis Jones | South Pasadena News | Countdown to Inauguration banner hung on local South Pasadena resident's home

Calling herself a “Quarantined Town Crier”, Amy Davis Jones created themed banners to count down to the Inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris on January 20.

PHOTO: Amy Davis Jones | South Pasadena News | Day 6 of local resident’s countdown to Inauguration Day featured LGBTQ rights

“My inspiration was the excitement over the inauguration and the incoming administration,” Jones tells us, “I was needing a way to purge a lot of stress and anxiety that has built up during the last 4 years, coupled with the sadness of the pandemic and social injustices.” Many in her neighborhood counted down with her, taking photos and sharing in her excitement. “I think many of us find ourselves physically and emotionally pent up right now, so this was a way to get it out in a socially distanced and safe way,” says Jones.

The themes included were Day 7: a nod to journalism including clippings from South Pasadenan, South Pasadena Review and New York Times. Day 6: LGBTQ Rights and Equality. Day 5: A Celebration of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Day 4: Gratitude for our Healthcare Professionals and Scientists. Day 3: Our Planet. Day 2: Celebration of MLK and BLM. Day 1: Patriotism, Liberty and Justice for All.

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