South Pasadena Public Library | Committee Files Argument in Favor of Ballot Measure

The measure asks voters to renew a modest parcel tax that has been in effect since 1994.

PHOTO: Henk Friezer | South News | Committee filing at City Hall of an argument in favor of passing a library tax renewal.

News provided by SPLOLC

Representatives of the “South Pasadena Loves Our Library Committee” filed an argument at City Hall August 19 in favor of a ballot measure that will appear on the Nov. 8, 2022 South Pasadena General Election ballot.

The measure asks voters to renew a modest parcel tax that has been in effect since 1994. Many property owners pay around $40 a year, and all proceeds go solely to the South Pasadena Public Library. If the extension is approved by three-quarters of voters, it will remain at its current rate with an existing Consumer Price Index adjustment. It will continue without the need for ongoing renewals.

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“This is an extremely small tax with a significant impact,” said Ed Donnelly, committee co-chair. “It funds nearly 20% of the library’s annual budget.”

Co-chair Yuki Cutcheon described its importance. “With the funds, the library can maintain its operating hours, staffing and programs,” she said. “Without the revenues, significant cuts will be made in all areas.

The argument prepared by the committee will appear in the Official Sample Ballot booklet sent to all registered voters in October.

PHOTO: Anna Fratto | News | South Pasadena Public Library

The document was signed by five prominent citizens. One is Mayor Pro Tem Jon Primuth, who has also served as president of the South Pasadena Unified School District (SPUSD) Board of Education and the South Pasadena Educational Foundation. Another is Katy Kwok-Nielsen, assistant principal, Student Support Services, SPUSD. City Councilmember Diana Mahmud, who serves as the council liaison to the Library Board of Trustees, is a signer.  Representing the library community are signers Dean Serwin, president, Library Board of Trustees, and Ellen Torres, president, Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library.

The chairs noted that on Aug. 19, the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk designated the library measure as “Measure LL.” Until this date, the committee had been using “Measure L” in all its documents and outreach efforts while awaiting the official assignment of a letter. “Since another city requesting ‘L’ received that designation,” said Dean Serwin, a committee member, “we were given our second choice — Measure LL.”

No argument in opposition to the measure was filed with the city by the Aug. 19 deadline, according to Yolanda Chavez, interim city clerk and records specialist, by phone.

For more information about Measure LL, go to .