South Pasadena Beautiful | Saving Birds and Pollinators Webinar

Plant it and they will come! Sunday, May 2nd at 4:00 p.m.

PHOTO: Provided by SP Beautiful | News | Native plants such as Black Sage (salvia mellifera), Desert Marigold (baileya multiradiata) and California Sagebrus (artemsia californica) attract birds and pollinators


Have you read about the declining bird and pollinator populations? Are you curious about the causes, remedies, and how to help? Join us for a free class that discusses all of this, presented by South Pasadena Beautiful over Zoom on Sunday, May 2nd at 4 PM. Please visit the “Events” page at for the Zoom link.

We have embraced a gardening style in which neatness and orderliness are equated with health and success. This has contributed to environmental decline with a staggering loss of species, including beloved songbirds and butterflies. But there is another way. By working with nature, we can restore habitat in our own gardens, sharing this space with birds, lizards, and pollinators, including beautiful monarch butterflies.

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This talk will present compelling information on why gardening for habitat is so important, and practical tips on how to convert a resource-intensive yard to a natural, interesting, and fun garden that provides sanctuary for many critters, including those of the human persuasion.

PHOTO: Provided by SP Beautiful | News | Hummingbird resting on a Western Redbud (Cercis occidentalis)

The event is co-hosted by Wendy Kerfoot, SPB board member, and Barbara Eisenstein, native plant expert, horticulturist, and Manager of Friends of the South Pasadena Nature Park. Please join us and share with your friends too!

South Pasadena Beautiful is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to planting a sustainable future in our community. Follow SPB on Instagram @southpasbeautiful or visit our website at to learn about our projects including the new sustainable low-water garden at the South Pasadena Post Office

South Pasadena’s Arroyo Woodland and Wildlife Nature Park (The Nature Park) is located at the 100 block of Pasadena Ave. (between Arroyo Dr. & York Blvd.) Donations to Friends of the Nature Park may be made through South Pasadena Beautiful.