South Pasadena and San Marino Rotary Clubs Build a House in Mexico

PHOTO: Courtesy of Kathryn Watson | | The completed project, the people that built it, and the family that will now call it home.

On Saturday, April 28, approximately 50 Rotarians from the South Pasadena and San Marino clubs and their families and friends traveled to Tecate, Mexico to build a house – in a day. Working with Corazon, Inc, a non-profit organization that provides services to Northern Baja residents, the volunteers arrived at the build site at about 8 am. The 600 square foot standard construction home, but without water or electricity, was completed by 4:30 pm.

PHOTO: Courtesy of Kathryn Watson | | Construction underway

Corazon coordinates the construction and provides building supervisors to lead the volunteers. Service clubs like Rotary, church groups, families, and companies provide $8400 to purchase the materials and 30-50 volunteers to build the house. The families the receive the home have volunteered hundreds of hours in their community to earn the right to get on the list for a house.

The South Pasadena Rotary Club has participated in these international hands-on projects for several years. In 2017 they teamed up with their neighboring club in San Marino to make it a joint project.

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PHOTO: Courtesy of Kathryn Watson | | The Cabrera-Anguino family flanked by a Corazon volunteer and Dan Watson

South Pasadena Rotary President and Project Coordinator Dan Watson said, “Building a home in Mexico is one of our club’s most important and meaningful activities each year. In one day we literally change lives, not only for the Cabrera-Anguino family that got a new home, but for the volunteers that built it. It helps build a bridge between the people of our countries. Working with San Marino Rotary has only made this a more meaningful project. We are building a relationship that will last a long time.”

PHOTO: Courtesy of Kathryn Watson |
PHOTO: Courtesy of Kathryn Watson |
PHOTO: Courtesy of Kathryn Watson |