Sheila Pautsch, Longtime Community Services Director Saying Goodbye

In conversation with Sheila Pautsch, retiring community services director who has held the title since 2009.

PHOTO: provided by Sheila Pautsch | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, second from left, was honored during a recent South Pasadena City Council meeting, for her 15 years of services as the city’s community services director. She is joined by, from left, Mayor Evelyn Zneimer, Deputy Director of Community Services Lucy Hakobian, Recreation Supervisor Nathalie Wilcox and Senior Service Supervisor Melissa Snyder.
PHOTO: provided by Sheila Pautsch | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, second from left, was honored during a recent South Pasadena City Council meeting, for her 15 years of services as the city’s community services director. She is joined by, from left, Mayor Evelyn Zneimer, Deputy Director of Community Services Lucy Hakobian, Recreation Supervisor Nathalie Wilcox and Senior Service Supervisor Melissa Snyder.

When Sheila Pautsch reflects on a 15-year career working for the City of South Pasadena, it takes only seconds for a response when asked what stands out in making it memorable.

Two words sums it up nicely.

“The people,” the longtime community services director says quickly. “I have met so many wonderful people in this community.”

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Breaking it down further, Pautsch said working side-by-side with co-workers, meeting the many challenges of the day, has been the best part, insisting: “We have become family.”

Her team, those tasked with helping her create numerous programs, classes, events and resources as part of the community services job description, will join Pautsch’s friends, family, city staff and the public at the War Memorial Building in the city on Friday, June 28, for a 6 p.m. retirement celebration in her honor.

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, who has been the City of South Pasadena’s community services director since 2009, looks forward to turning off the alarm clock for work, moving to South Dakota and the good life that comes with retirement.
PHOTO: provided by Sheila Pautsch | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, who has been the City of South Pasadena’s community services director since 2009, looks forward to turning off the alarm clock for work, moving to South Dakota and the good life that comes with retirement.

The evening will highlight the achievements of a person working tirelessly over the years in wanting to make an occasion under her direction extra special for those in attendance. When audience members or participants were smiling, hers was always brighter.

“My job is the community,” she likes to say. “I love watching our residents enjoy concerts in the parks, learning a new hobby in one of the recreation classes, having a place to socialize with others and giving one a sense of belonging.”

Over the course of a year, the department is responsible for about 15 different events, some of which include summer concerts, a Halloween Spooktacular, the annual Fourth of July parade, followed by festivities in Garfield Park and fireworks show at South Pasadena High.

In her role over the years, along with local civic government support, Pautsch has proudly left her mark, a favorable one on residents, as a result of the construction of a dog park, community garden, the Arroyo Seco Pedestrian and Bicycle Trail, the creation of two pocket parks while ensuring that the Dial-A-Ride fleet of buses taking seniors on errands around town has gone to all-electric, eliminating harmful emissions.

Admittedly, the job wasn’t always easy, says Pautsch, insisting it had its share of challenges, some of which included negotiating the agreements for the Arroyo Seco Golf Course, Arroyo Seco Racquet Club, San Pascual Stables and batting cages, all in Arroyo Park.

PHOTO: provided by City of South Pasadena | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, who has been the City of South Pasadena’s community services director since 2009, looks forward to turning off the alarm clock for work, moving to South Dakota and the good life that comes with retirement.
PHOTO: provided by Sheila Pautsch | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, who has been the City of South Pasadena’s community services director since 2009, looks forward to turning off the alarm clock for work, moving to South Dakota and the good life that comes with retirement.

“There is a tremendous amount of work that goes into the entire process, and it takes a lot of time to get from the request for proposals to the signing of an agreement,” she explained. “You want the best for the city and community, and you hope you can strike that balance perfectly in the process.”

At her side, helping navigate through much of her tasks, preparing for City Council meetings, researching an issue or attending a meeting in her place, was a dedicated staff, ready to tackle any number of assignments.

 “They are a huge reason I come to work each day,” she praised. “I have been blessed to work with some awesome people who love the community as much as I do. From recreation leaders and transit drivers to supervisors and deputy directors, I have a team that works hard everyday and enjoy what they do. They put their heart and soul into their work, which makes me so proud of each of them.”

Pautsch singled out Lucy Hakobian, who has been with her from the start, and worked for the city the past 28 years, pointing out that “I watched her grow professionally from a recreation coordinator, recreation supervisor, but then leave the city for two years, to only return to South Pasadena as the deputy director. Lucy has been a huge part of my success as a director. I think she works harder than me. She is dedicated to the job and the community and has a wealth of historical knowledge about the department.”

Coming to South Pasadena in July 2009, Pautsch took on a director role for the first time after employed for 20 years by the City of Downey where she started as a recreation leader in 1989, enthusiastically calling it “the best job!” At the time, she put in three to four hours a day, attended classes at Cal State Long Beach, still finding time to study and be with family and friends.

Each Summer as part her days in Downey, Pautsch would work as a day camp director at Camp Wilderness and teach Mommy, Daddy and Me swim classes, along with Aqua-nastic, a form of water aerobics, in the evenings.

She was promoted to a variety of different positions throughout the years, even taking a break from the city’s Parks and Recreation Department for a stint with the Downey Police Department, serving as as a community services officer and later police officer.

That was followed with a return to her comfort zone. “My heart led me back into parks and recreation where I grew into the professional, I am today,” she said.

It wasn’t long once arriving in South Pasadena when she felt welcome, quickly sensing that there was something unique and different about this place. Pautsch will never forget one of the first visitors to her office as Ellen Daigle, a local business owner, a city mover and shaker and member of the Parks and Recreation Commission at the time, coming by to say hello.

Pautsch was handed a bag full of South Pasadena swag – a baseball hat, mug, pens, and a t-shirt – as an energetic Daigle talked about how excited she was to have her as the new community services director. “I was so touched by her kindness,” recalled Pautsch. “I will be forever be grateful to her for her support over the years. She is a true South Pasadenan!”

Among Pautsch’s first steps to retirement will be to get ample sleep, “forget about the alarm,” she laughs, and prepare her house to sell, as she looks to eventually move to Clear Lake, South Dakota, with plans to build a waterfront home.

PHOTO: provided by Sheila Pautsch | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, who will retire soon as the City of South Pasadena’s community services director, enjoys animals, especially her two dogs, Riley, left and Charlie.  They are her traveling and hiking buddies and go with her on RV trips.
PHOTO: provided by Sheila Pautsch | The South Pasadenan | Sheila Pautsch, who will retire soon as the City of South Pasadena’s community services director, enjoys animals, especially her two dogs, Riley, left and Charlie.  They are her traveling and hiking buddies and go with her on RV trips.

“Once I have settled, I plan to spend a lot of time with family and volunteering either at the local zoo, animal shelter or hospital,” she said. “I love helping people and animals. I do not think my services to others will ever stop. I might even go back to parks and recreation and volunteer at events or the community center.”

In tow, of course, will be her beloved two dogs, Charlie and Riley, affectionately considered her kids, noting: “They go almost everywhere with me. They have been to 15 different states and look forward to seeing a few more. They are my traveling and hiking buddies. They love RV trips so I never travel alone. We can explore new trails and have a lot of lake time.”

Pautsch says people laugh when told the canines are her emotional support dogs, “but it is so true,” she stressed. “When I get home from work, they are so excited to see me, it makes me forget about the day. I just can’t think of life without them.”

As the word of her retirement has circulated around town, many in the community have expressed “the nicest things to me about how I have touched their lives in one way or another,” she said, adding the city has not named her replacement at this time. “I truly appreciate hearing that, as there is a huge part of my heart that will forever be in South Pasadena.”

With the stage set for her farewell party, it’s no secret Pautsch is full of appreciation and gratitude for what the city has done for her. “South Pasadena, thank you so much for the past 15 years,” she said. “You have made me feel right at home and a part of your family. Thank you for enjoying all the events and programs that have been offered and continue to be offered. Remember, we do this all for you so please continue to enjoy them.”

And, of course, it always comes back to that one constant, the key ingredient why she enjoyed her professional life so much in the city. Those she met along the way will be missed the most of all.

“Anyone can be a community services director, but to be a good one, you need to know and love your community and the people you work with,” Pautsch said. “This is the best job on the planet. It is so hard to leave, but I know good things are coming to South Pasadena’s Community Services Department. The title community services says it all – services to the community. I hope I have emulated that here in South Pasadena.”