Safer at Home: South Pasadena Students Start Virtual Classes Online

Utilizing their skills at tech, established internet infrastructure, and a turn around by our school district, teachers and students are engaging in online education amidst the pandemic crisis

PHOTO: News | Julia is a sophomore at SPHS: "I miss the learning environment in the classroom and seeing all my friends and teachers at school, but I like the fact that I have more time for myself at home and that there is less stress to deal with." Ittai (dad): "My kids are in middle school and high school, it's only been a few days so far, and it's been fine, they are managing their time and assignments and seem to be engaged with their teachers."

The South Pasadena school district faculty and administration have designed and launched online learning courses for our “Safer at home“ students.  Classes started on Monday online and parents are getting used to the idea of “homeschooling” during the safer at home lock down initiatives designed to protect all of us from spreading the coronavirus.

Many parents have been posting social media images of their kids learning at home as acclimate to the new system of working together on a virtual education at this difficult time.  From grade school age kids to high school, teachers have re-launched their curriculums into a digital format that is hopefully engaging as it is educational. 

The concept of online education has been proven for more than a decade on college level courses, but for the entire region to go in this direction is an extraordinary challenge for teachers, administrators, and now the students and families who will engage in these types of courses.

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