Rep. Chu Calls on Biden Administration To Hold Assad Accountable for Atrocities


FILE PHOTO: Esteban Lopez | News | Congresswoman Judy Chu

Washington, DC – Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) today called on the Biden Administration to oppose the normalization of relations with Syria and to ensure Bashar al-Assad continues to be held accountable for his crimes under the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, a 2020 law which gives the U.S. government greater authority to sanction businesses, individuals, and government institutions for activities that support the Assad regime’s war on the Syrian people. Rep. Chu issued the following statement:

“Bashar al-Assad and his regime are guilty of grave human rights abuses in their effort to cling to power, including the use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians. As a result of his cruelty, hundreds of thousands are dead and millions more have become refugees. That is why Congress passed the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act to hold Assad accountable and help prevent future atrocities. And it is why I am so pleased that, in July, President Biden introduced new sanctions targeting Syrian prisons, Assad regime officials, and militia groups and leaders for their abuse against Syrians. But I have been alarmed by recent reporting that the U.S. is supporting efforts by Arab states to normalize relations with the Assad government, including a partnership between Jordan and Egypt to deliver natural gas to Lebanon through Syria, something sure to enrich Assad and his allies. I urge the Administration to remain strong in his commitment to defending human rights, and that must include keeping Assad isolated. We cannot tolerate leaders who murder their own people, and the U.S. must oppose any efforts to normalize relations with Syria until those responsible for these atrocities are out of power.”


  1. Rep Chu has been lied to and is clueless about Asaad & the Saudi backed Syrian genocide. Please stop watching Fake News. The best resource on this Aaron Maté an award winning journalist. He hosts ‘Pushback’ ‘The Grayzone’