Letter to the Editor | ‘I Believe it is Important to Teach and Demonstrate Tolerance’

'As a community, have we done a sufficient job encouraging the open discussion of different ideas?'

PHOTO: Esteban Lopez | SouthPasadenan.com News | Trump Rally at the intersection of Fair Oaks Ave and Mission St in South Pasadena

A response to: Letter to the Editor | ‘Concerns About City Response to Trump Rally’

I am a mother and resident of South Pasadena and a strong supporter of democracy. Over the last few months, I have observed various groups demonstrating their support for political candidates and movements.

As parents, I believe it is important to teach and demonstrate tolerance for people with different views, opinions, and lifestyles. Politics are no different. We should encourage people to exercise their rights through peaceful protests and voting. Politics represent plans to either benefit society or reduce harm. We choose politicians based on whose plans we believe would be most effective in those efforts.

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This author makes an assumption that a group of people with different political views must be violating the law because they did not show the minor their permits. There is an assumption that the law enforcement failed to exercise their duties because they did not respond the way this individual believed they should. Although, there is a process for reporting violations to the city online, this was not sufficient resolution for this person. It appears they wanted the political rivals to be either reprimanded or removed. Is this article truly about permits or an intolerance of groups who represent alternative ways of thinking?

As a community, have we done a sufficient job encouraging the open discussion of different ideas? Have we embraced tolerance? Or, do we simply dismiss or weaponize the police in situations in which we feel we have no power? This is one area of concern that was specifically mentioned in the BLM movement.

Although there may be room for general improvement amongst law enforcement officers, there are opportunities to grow within our community. This is a great teaching moment about tolerance for our youth especially in our heavily democratic community.

In Solidarity,

Your Anonymous Neighbor











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  1. Dear Anonymous Neighbor:

    South Pasadena residents and taxpayers have not only the right, but an obligation, to contact our South Pasadena Police Department to report possible violations of our city ordinances.

    I was one of several people who phoned the desk on Sunday around 245pm asking officers to check to see if city codes were being adhered to with regard to the two pop up canopies and concession sales at the corner of Mission and Fair Oaks. I was told by an officer that they would send someone out. That was three or more hours before a local teen girl was physically assaulted by the operators of said concession.

    Had South Pasadena Police Department and the City Council enforced our town’s ordinances that day or at least had the courtesy to respond to those who pay their salaries, it’s very likely that 11/1 would not have ended the way it did.

    I have confirmation from City Manager Sean Joyce that no paperwork for a sellers permit or an encroachment permit was either requested or filed with the City of South Pasadena. The man and woman were illegally conducting business on both private and public property, failing to pay for permits and city sales tax while our local LEGAL businesses suffered.

    All this being said, a 17 year old, brilliant product of our amazing school district, had the conviction and courage to stand up for democracy and self expression by writing her letter to the Editor, the City Council and make public comment at the Council meeting. Each time, she had the moral fortitude to use her name.

    Dear Anonymous Neighbor, you could learn something from our youth. We have taught our children well.

    Anne Bagasao