In a triumphant return to live theater, the award-winning South Pasadena Drama Department will present Kate Hamill’s wild, hilarious, and charming adaptation of Sense and Sensibility, based on the beloved novel by Jane Austen. For three evenings—Nov. 12, 13, and 14– at sunset, the story of the unforgettable 19th-century English sisters Elinor and Marianne Dashwood will unfold in a fast-paced production that is literally on wheels. Specially constructed stage and set pieces will keep the actors in motion.
“We are thrilled to be getting back to live productions after two years without, and for this exciting comeback, the crew is building an entire outdoor stage complete with lighting, mics, and sets-on-wheels,” said Nick Hoffa, South Pasadena High School drama director. “I hope everyone will join us for a rollicking evening as we tell this story of two young women struggling — amidst the constricting social norms of Austen’s England — to find happiness. It’s truly a timeless tale—and a darn good time.”
Hamill’s adaptation of Sense and Sensibility follows the fortunes (and misfortunes) of sensible Elinor and impassioned Marianne after their father’s sudden death leaves them financially destitute and socially vulnerable. The story explores universal human reactions to societal pressures, both reasonable and ridiculous, posing the question, when reputation is everything, how do you follow your heart? The New York Times said of the play, “…an unconditional delight…invigorating…a bouncy, jaunty take on Austen…remains remarkably true to the values and priorities of its source. The classic Austen preoccupations with real estate, income, class, reputation and equilibrium in life are all rendered brightly and legibly here.
Performances begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Tiger Patio, on specially designed outdoor stage and seating, at South Pasadena High School. Concessions will include snacks and hot beverages. Hoffa added, “Come for the hot cocoa and cider, and stay for the heartwarming production — and the renewal of live theater at SPHS.”
Sense and Sensibility (directed by Nick Hoffa, with technical direction by James Jontz) is performed three times: Nov. 12, 13, and 14 (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) at 5:30 p.m. Tiger Patio, South Pasadena High School, 1401 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. General admission is $15. Tickets may be purchased online at, in the SPHS student bank after noon, and at the door.