Friends of the Rialto program at Woman’s Club

PHOTO: courtesy of Friends of Rialto | South Pasadena News | The Rialto Theater sign

Escott O. Norton, Founder of Friends of the Rialto Theater is the featured speaker at the March 2 meeting and Membership Tea and luncheon of the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena. Norton will discuss the colorful history and restoration status of South Pasadena’s Rialto Theater.

PHOTO: Courtesy of Friends of Rialto | South Pasadena News | Escott O. Norton, founder of Friends of the Rialto.

Norton grew up surrounded by theatre and architecture. His Father designed and built Escott’s childhood homes and his Mother founded the Oxy Summer Drama Festival.   A lifelong preservationist, Escott founded Friends of the Rialto in 1983 to advocate for the preservation and reactivation of his favorite theatre. He was also the Executive Director of the L.A. Historic Theatre Foundation, a nationally renowned non-profit that has landmarked and protected dozens of historic theatres across L.A. County.

Norton owns and manages a design consultation company, EON Design  His company specializes in historic buildings, with a primary focus on Historic Theatres.

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As the Rialto Theatre complex continues to be restored, Norton expresses optimism for the future of the landmark theatre.  He says “I hope that someday the Rialto Theatre can be restored to its original appearance and use, as a theatre for the whole community. The Rialto is really perfect for a multi-use arts venue, appealing to the entire South Pasadena community with movies, plays, concerts, opera, comedy, and special events.”

Prior to Norton’s presentation, the Club’s business meeting will be held.  Guests will hear from Margaret Shelley, Chairwoman of Domestic Violence and Children’s Advocate for the Club, She will speak about the recognition and prevention of domestic violence

The club business meeting begins at 10:30 am .highlighted by Shelly’s talk .Norton’s presentation will begin at approximately 11:15 a.m. followed by the luncheon.  The public, especially prospective members, are invited to attend, Cost is $15 per person. The clubhouse is located at 1424 Fremont Avenue, South Pasadena. Reservations should be made by Sunday, February 28 by calling Joan Moffet  at (626) 403-0477 or via Email: