Earthquake Sunday Morning: 2 Miles South-Southwest of South Pasadena

3.5 Earthquake Sunday adjacent to South Pasadena

Monday Earthquake USGS Modified: 34.086°N 118.168°W. Location is South/Southwest of South Pasadena, near Huntington Drive.
Sunday Earthquake USGS: 34.086°N 118.168°W. Location is South/Southwest of South Pasadena, near Huntington Drive.

South Pasadena: An earthquake occurred at 9:56 AM on Sunday, June 2, 2024.

CalTech reported: The magnitude 3.5 event occurred 4 km (2 miles) SSW of South Pasadena, CA. The hypocentral depth is 7 miles.

Neighbors in town were outside and reported to feel the pressure wave before the actual shake.  Many residents felt a fast jolt.

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One resident reported to the South Pasadenan News: “I thought something hit the house! It was so fast”

Epicenter Streets: Los Angeles – Warwick Avenue and Navarro Street, just on the South Side of Huntington Drive.

According to the South Pasadena Police Department, no damage or injuries have been reported.