Dave Kinnoin Helps Underprivileged in Mexico

The South Pasadena resident, known for his music, is a supporter of One Small House, a non-profit that builds homes and community buildings for the poorest families.

PHOTO : One Small House | South Pasadenan.com News | South Pasadena resident Dave Kinnoin helped to refurbish a community center in the Las Cruces district of Tijuana, Mexico, where a sewing school for men and women was created.

Dave Kinnoin calls it “unbridled appreciation and hugs,” reflecting on the response he receives after making a difference for others.

It simply makes his day, knowing he’s made an impact, going the extra mile to unselfishly turn someone’s life around.

As a strong supporter of One Small House (OSH), which has built more than 85 homes in rural Mexico, the Mississippi Delta, Haiti and Shreveport, Louisiana, Kinnoin is part of team that has helped countless families. OSH is run entirely on the support of volunteers, and the South Pasadena resident knows his calling is to help underprivileged families needing it most.

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Among his efforts was to refurbish a community center in the Las Cruces district of Tijuana, where a sewing school for men and women was created.

PHOTO: Dave Kinnoin | South Pasadenan.com News | Victor Campos and Dave Kinnoin

“We pay the teachers and supply the sewing machines, cloth, thread, needles, scissors, and all other supplies,” explained Kinnoin. “We have had more than 30 graduates in the last six years. Each graduate gets their own machine and supplies to keep.”

Joining his friend, Victor Campos, the pair saw a burgeoning school “and excitedly threw our hats in the ring,” said Kinnoin, when asked what spurred him on to pitch in.

It also helps that Kinnoin likes to sew. That combined with “seeing and hearing the enthusiastic students,” he couldn’t be happier to see them learn the new skill.

The contributions he makes is far different than Kinnoin’s career choice as a songwriter and music producer who has written more than 200 songs, including many for children involving projects with the Walt Disney Company, the Jim Henson Company and Sesame Workshop.

PHOTO: One Small House | South Pasadenan.com News | South Pasadena resident Dave Kinnoin helped to refurbish a community center in the Las Cruces district of Tijuana, Mexico.

About a dozen students attend the school in the Las Cruces Community Center, and while Kinnoin recognizes they benefit from the experience more, “it’s a kick to help make it happen!” he said. “Last time Victor and I were there, the students gave us gifts they’d made.”

Contributions to One Small House are always welcome.