Eat at our local restaurants on Wednesday for SPEF!

PHOTO: SouthPasadenan.com | Patrons Megan Dostal, Brett Barbour and Rachel Fox enjoying themselves at Munch Co.

Treat yourself to a meal out in South Pasadena on Wednesday, Oct. 11, and you’ll be treating South Pasadena’s schools as well. In this year’s edition of Food 4 Thought, more than a dozen local restaurants will be donating 10% of their day’s sales to SPEF to support excellence and innovation in our kids’ education.

There will be Food 4 Thought restaurants to feed you and your family throughout the day, so if it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert (or all of the above), they’ve got you covered. Please show some love to the businesses that love our students.
The following restaurants are all confirmed participants:
There may be more restaurants joining in, so keep an eye out for Food 4 Thought Posters around town. And make sure to thank the restaurants you visit for supporting SPEF and South Pasadena’s public schools. Their commitment to the community is one of the things that makes South Pas such a great place to live.