Sector Seven Contemporary Art Gallery presents Jayme Design

Artist reception for Jayme Design on Thursday December 9 at 1011 Mission Street, Suite A, 6-9pm

PHOTO: S7CAG | South Pasadenan News | Artist Jayme Mazzochi

Sector Seven Contemporary Art Gallery, currently located at 1011 Mission Street in Suite A, is holding an artist reception for Jayme Design on Thursday, December 9th from 6 to 9pm to open her show. Jayme is well known in the South Pasadena community for supporting both students and parents in the study and exploration of art. She is also known nationally and internationally for her highly customized graphic design projects, working with a variety of artists, musicians and top tier organizations within the media production and entertainment industries. Her reception will display never before made prints on canvases, displaying a variety of emojis made for internationally known artists and performers. Owner and curator Esteban Lopez is currently hosting this pop-up of Sector Seven in hopes of creating a permanent gallery in South Pasadena and says “it’s been a whirlwind to get the art gallery prepared for the recent group art show but we had a great reception and it was a pleasure to see community members enjoy the space together. We look forward to seeing you at this reception for Jayme.”

PHOTO: Jorge Lopez Media | South Pasadena News | A recent group exhibit held at Sector Seven Contemporary Art Gallery.

Lopez tells us they are working diligently behind the scenes to make the art gallery a permanent space. “We want to continue to be a part of the South Pasadena community and feel the space is a great location. Being a lifelong resident of South Pasadena, it would be an absolute dream to service the community with an art gallery that South Pasadenans can enjoy,” he says.

Lopez continues to be “blown away by the amount of artists and quality of artwork available in South Pasadena. It’s incredible! It has been my absolute pleasure to meet a unique group of artists, from the young adult finding their way, to the more established professional, who have brought the art scene their unique perspective.” He has also been inspired by the many art collectors who are happy to find a place where they can find local, national and international artists within their own hometown. “The collectors have equally been unique in their sense of style and appreciation for the artistry” explains Lopez.

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PHOTO: Jorge Lopez Media | South Pasadena News | Sector Seven Contemporary Art Gallery owner and curator Esteban Lopez with artist Michael Dergar.

The gallery’s name has special meaning for Lopez, who named it partly in homage to his brother who was in the Air Force and someone whom he relied on and looked up to. He had spoken to him about how in the military they designate borders and map out terrain by dividing them and labeling them as sectors. He chose the number 7 for the powerful energy that number invokes, from the 7 holy virtues to the 7 wonders of the world. “When someone sees Sector 7 it would have a sacred connotation as well as, from a military perspective, show that an area is being established,” Lopez explains. “I hope to have more galleries, each a multiple of 7 with Sector 7 being the first, Sector 14, Sector 21 and so forth.”

Sector Seven’s larger mission is to also incorporate services like mediation classes, professionally led artist classes and create an event venue for the general public and organizations to use. Lopez says, “I want to thank the community and all those who have been of support thus far. Stay connected with us as we evolve!”

Sector Seven Contemporary Art Gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from 1pm to 8pm and available by appointment. During the South Pasadena Farmer’s Market which takes place every Thursday, they tend to stay open longer so guests can enjoy the art and space.


Jayme Design is a graphic design company that was founded by Jayme Mazzochi in LA in 2003. Raised in the west suburbs of Chicago, IL, Jayme was drawn to Los Angeles for it’s inspiring scenery, diverse culture, and creative atmosphere. Jayme has spent the last 18 years running her design company @jaymedesign for clients in entertainment, technology, fashion, charitable environmental organizations, and many others. One of the items Jayme Design is known for are their custom emoji designs. Jayme has created custom emojis for some of the most influential entertainers of our time. The emoji art on display is a collection of designs created for musicians over the last 7 years.

Jayme also uses her creativity to teach art and design to students grades K-8 for South Padsadena Educational Foundation #jmeartproject, and creates LEGO® inspired photography @brickcityterrace, designs and creates fan inspired merch on her online storefront including sweatshirts, buttons, and canvas prints. Jayme is also a single mom to her son, Dylan #dylanristhebest and dog, Híro @hirointhehouse.