School Board Thanks Community for Measure S

Jon Primuth thanks community on behalf of South Pasadena School Board

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | | New Board of Education President Jon Primuth, center, is congratulated by outgoing president Elisabeth Eilers, left, and incoming Board Clerk Dr. Suzie Abajian.
After an intense 30-day campaign in which many residents and businesses proudly displayed lawn signs urging a “Yes on S,” the community stepped up this week and overwhelmingly voted to approve Measure S, renewing the local parcel tax that provides a critical source of funding to our local schools. I am so grateful that our neighbors had the wisdom to keep class sizes manageable and continue supporting enrichment instruction in STEM, art, music, drama and more.
A community that votes to support its children set us on a path to a better future. South Pasadena has proven over and over again, in good times and bad, that they will provide that support. On behalf of the South Pasadena Board of Education, thank you, South Pasadena for having confidence in the hopeful future we are creating through our schools.
Of course, our great schools are only one of the many facets that make South Pasadena an exceptional community; we must also give high praise to our excellent fire, police, and city services, our beloved library and many active civic organizations, and, of course, the timeless traditions embodied in our July 4th parade and Rose Parade float.
I would also like to offer a special thanks to the campaign committee driving the outreach effort. Co-Chairs Sara Shaffer and Saida Staudemeyer assembled an impressive team of parents and business owners who dedicated countless hours of their time to ensure the whole community was aware and engaged. Additionally, we owe a huge thanks to those who, through their financial contributions to the campaign, made it possible to educate the community on the special importance of funding our local schools with local dollars.

With deep gratitude,

The members of the South Pasadena Board of Education:  Suzie Abajian, Elisabeth Eilers, Julie Giulioni, Michele Kipke and Jon Primuth.