Operation Cookie: South Pasadena helps hospitalized, homeless and special needs veterans

Operation Cookie a Success! Annual event to aid veterans hosted by the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | The South Pasadena Firefighters’ Association contributed $500 to Operation Cookie. Volunteers, representatives of elected officials and City of South Pasadena staff, joined firefighters.

Organizers of “Operation Cookie,” a day when the good comes out of so many who provide delectable treats to hospitalized, homeless and special needs veterans, are calling it a huge success.

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Firefighter/paramedics were among a large group of volunteers who packaged cookies for veterans on Wednesday at the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena.

Members of the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena are saying “mission accomplished” following Wednesday’s highly successful and, of course, tasty event that brings cookies and plenty of cheer to more than 2,000 men and women throughout the southland who served in the Armed Forces.

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Students from the Institute for Redesign of Learning helped prepare packages for cookies at Wednesday’s big event at the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena.

At the forefront of it all was Beverly Biber, the event coordinator, whose unwavering commitment to help others is unmatched. She milled around, thanking the approximate 100 volunteers working diligently inside the walls of the Woman’s Club who filled small containers with about 30,000 cookies that will find their way to about 2,000 veterans in the coming days.

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“The cookies will be delivered to patients at Veterans Hospitals, to the Wounded Warriors Battalion at Camp Pendleton, to Military Women in Need, to the Jimmy Miller Foundation that provides ocean therapy for wounded warriors, and to other groups,” said Biber.  “Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of donors, we continue to expand our outreach to an increasing number of veterans.”

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Many from the community were putting cookies into packages for veterans on Wednesday at the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena. Photo by Bill Glazier

Young and old, some from as far away as San Diego and Ventura, brought homemade and packaged cookies, to the annual event.  Forming an assembly line, volunteers, all wearing disposable plastic gloves, walked around tables and placed the cookies into patriotic decorated containers that were then boxed ready for delivery.

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Robert Joe, a South Pasadena City Councilmember, was among those who packed cookies for veterans on Wednesday at the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena.

“What makes it go is all the people who care for the veterans by doing something that will make them feel happier and let them know they are remembered,” explained Biber, when asked why “Operation Cookie” is hugely successful every year.

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Cookies were placed into containers and big boxes before being delivered to veteran hospitals.

Outside the Woman’s Club, a curbside drop off for cookies was set up, easing the trouble of motorists getting out of their cars. Throughout the morning, vehicles stopped as cookies were handed to awaiting arms of volunteers. “We’re just grateful for the support we get from the community,” said a seemingly tireless Biber.

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Stephanie DeWolfe, South Pasadena’s city manager, joined many volunteers at Wednesday’s Operation Cookie event at the Woman’s Club in town.

“Operation Cookie’s” origin dates to World War II when Woman’s Club members sent cookies to soldiers. The practice lasted for about three decades. Today, they are shipped to local veteran’s hospitals, and also distributed to homeless and veterans with special needs.

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Volunteers were called upon to place an assortment of cookies in containers on Wednesday as part of the local Woman Clubs Operation Cookie.

Along with “Operation Cookie,” the Woman’s Club has a long history of charitable and volunteer philanthropic service, providing scholarships to South Pasadena High School students and by making financial donations to charitable and community groups in the area.

Thousands of cookies will be delivered to veterans before and around Memorial Day. “They really appreciate the support from our club,” said Biber, pausing, “and we enjoy doing it.”

PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | ‘Operation Cookie’ helps hospitalized veterans with some love and support from the South Pasadena Woman’s Club.
PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Volunteers were readily accepting cookies out in front of the South Pasadena Woman’s Club on Wednesday.
PHOTO: Bill Glazier | SouthPasadenan.com | Operation Cookie couldn’t take place without the support of many individuals and businesses in the community.