Keeping July 4th Red, White, Blue, and Green

We can all enjoy our summer bashes while staying eco-friendly! News | Be Earth-conscious this 4th of July!

A pleasant philosophy on celebrating July 4th, recently overheard: “Everyone’s got that crazy uncle. Well, no matter what you think of them, you don’t talk smack about them on their birthday. The U.S. is our crazy uncle, and for one day, let’s just be thankful for this place together.”

And in celebrating this crazy uncle, let’s not forget to be mindful of our Mother Earth as well. The backyard barbecues and parties contribute to a lot of extra waste on this particular day, so considering eco-friendly alternatives can really help our planet out!

Red, White, Blue, and Green Tips

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  • Use recyclable or compostable plates, napkins, and cups. We know by now to avoid single-use plastics when possible; allowing guests to use household dish ware is another alternative, though understandably risky.
  • Set out multiple trash bags/cans beforehand & encourage guests to clean up after themselves so you don’t have a big mess to deal with afterwards. Plus, it’ll prevent any stray trash from being blown away.
  • Consider sourcing local food for your barbecue or party. What we don’t often think about is the energy and emissions cost of having our food shipped to us; perhaps a trip to the farmer’s market the weekend prior for fresh fruits, vegetables, or meats?
    • Eating and sourcing our food locally is something we can all do every day to greatly reduce our carbon footprints!
  • While not for everyone, making a big leap and having a vegetarian/vegan cookout would score you some serious green points!