Hot Wedding Tips with Partini’s Anne Bagasao

Late summer wedding tips when the temperatures rise - By Anne Bagasao

PHOTO: | Event Designer Anne Bagasao with her daugher, Grace.

Summer is officially over but high temperatures still dominate the social scene. With over a month left of wedding season and triple digit heat, couples need to prepare to keep it cool.

California’s picturesque outdoor venues make for beautiful and unique wedding backdrops but scorching temperatures and unrelenting sun can quickly turn that Pinterest perfect reception into a sticky uncomfortable mess.

Having planned and coordinated my share of al fresco weddings, I have compiled a list of my tips for keeping guests cool and comfortable under this late summer sun.

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PHOTO: Robert Yu | | Wedding guests fan themselves during a garden wedding
PHOTO: Robert Yu | | Wedding welcome table
  • Welcome Them With a Cool Drink– Ask the caterer to setup a water station at your welcome table or just inside of the entrance. Add slices of citrus, fresh basil leaves or cucumber for color and flavor. At the end of the night, transform that welcome table into an ice cream stand with coolers of popsicles and other frozen treats for your guests to take away.
  • Make Some Shade –If you don’t want the unsightliness or expense of a tent, rent some market umbrellas to scatter around your cocktail area. Not only will they provide cool coverage for your guests but they will create natural gathering spaces where new family can get to know each other.
  • I’m a Fan – Paper fans are a great way to help your guests beat the heat while sitting at a sun drenched ceremony. Print your monograms on flat cardboard fans or choose ornate and colorful Asian fans. In addition to helping keep your guests more relaxed, they add a touch of whimsy as well as elegance.
  • Respite in the Restroom – If the restroom provides the only access to air conditioning, chances are guests will retreat there to escape the heat. To make hanging out in the restroom a more attractive experience, use a silver or mirrored tray placed on the counter to store facial wipes or mist, antiperspirant, sunscreen and an aloe based gel. Add two extra guest chairs or a small bench to the space so that the weather weary can have a seat while they are cooling off.
  • Kick off Your Shoes – I don’t know about you but the first thing I want to do when it is hot is take off my shoes. Yes, it may be a little awkward if guests starting removing their socks but think about how much more fun they could have with an offer of colorful and cool flip flops. Tie pairs of various sized flip flops with a ribbon. Display them in a painted wooden box, a large basket or on a vintage book shelf with a sign that says “Kick off Your Heels”.

For DIY party popsicles, visit this Pinterest link for my favorite recipes.

PHOTO: Robert Yu | | A festive garden wedding made comfortable with umbrellas, fans and drinks

Anne Bagasao is the Founder of Partini and brings over 20 years of professional experience in producing and managing events to her boutique events. Having worked with high profile clients and organizations, as well as the finickiest of brides and grooms, she is now bringing her expertise and style into the homes, backyards and venues of her community. As a busy single mother, she knows that even with our best intentions, sometimes we can’t get it all done to perfection and this is why she founded Partini.