Holiday Greenery | A New Twist on an Old Tradition

Holiday Greenery Time! Order Pacific Northwest Greenery From Troop 342

PHOTO: provided by Scout Troup 342 | The South Pasadenan | Troop 342 and Troop 7 gathered together before going out into the neighborhood to sell Christmas greenery.
PHOTO: provided by Scout Troup 342 | The South Pasadenan | Troop 342 and Troop 7 gathered together before going out into the neighborhood to sell Christmas greenery.

For over 70 years, Boy Scout Troop 342 has been selling Christmas Greenery in the neighborhoods of South Pasadena and southern Pasadena, to raise funds to support their program. But this year, there’s a new twist on an old tradition.

Boy Scout Troop 7 and Scouts BSA Troop 7-G have joined Troop 342.

“You see, we’re a smaller unit,” says Troop 342’s Scoutmaster Kenneth Borgerding, “almost like an extended family. And that’s good for our Scouts getting to know each other and working together as a Troop. But that does make it difficult to canvas all of South Pasadena and southern Pasadena, like we’ve done in past years, getting the word out about our holiday greenery fund-raiser.”

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PHOTO: provided by Troop 342 | The South Pasadenan | Benji Beteta of Troop 7 in black neckerchief and Philip Kwak of Troop 342 in red neckerchief looking at a product flyer.
PHOTO: provided by Troop 342 | The South Pasadenan | Benji Beteta of Troop 7 in black neckerchief and Philip Kwak of Troop 342 in red neckerchief looking at a product flyer.

So this year, Troop 7’s leadership approached Troop 342’s leadership. Some of the Troop 7 parents had expressed concern over the rising costs of summer camp expenses and annual dues. They knew that Troop 342 did the major fund-raiser of holiday greenery sales and some of those Troop 7 parents are 342’s best repeat customers. So they asked if they can get in on the action.

“Troop 7 will receive the profits based on the efforts of their Scouts. And Troop 342 will receive the profits based on the efforts of their Scouts. That is only fair,” says Troop 342’s Greenery Chairman, Carolyn Thompson. “But having a larger pool of Scouts to tap into allowed us to reach out to the neighborhood of Monterey Hills, which we mostly missed last year. Actually, I’m pleased with the efforts of all our boys … and girls, too, because Troop 7-G is an all-girls unit.”

“As this was Troop 7’s first time participating with Troop 342 in greenery sales, there was a lot for our Scouts and adults to learn,” Troop 7 Scoutmaster Chris Olsen tells us. “It may seem simple enough, but Troop 342 and especially their Greenery Chair, Carolyn Thompson, have this fundraiser down to a science. They were all so incredibly patient with our Scouts who are new at this, giving immense amounts of their time in the process to get us up and running.”

PHOTO: provided by Troop 342 | The South Pasadenan | Benji Beteta of Troop 7 in black neckerchief and Philip Kwak of Troop 342 in red neckerchief looking at a product flyer.
PHOTO: provided by Troop 342 | The South Pasadenan | Benji Beteta of Troop 7 in black neckerchief and Philip Kwak of Troop 342 in red neckerchief looking at a product flyer.

The last day of sales is the Sunday before Halloween, October 29th, 2023. Be on the lookout for the scouts in your neighborhood.

An online option is also available by placing an order on the Troop 342’s Mini-Site. Or you can text or call 626-765-1014 and leave a message. A Scout will contact you in the first week of December to arrange delivery.

Orders need to be placed before October 30, 2023.

In the spirit of the season, please consider giving your support and enjoy beautiful holiday evergreens fresh from the Pacific Northwest.

Orders should be delivered the weekend after Thanksgiving weekend.