SPUSD Snapshot | Measure S Update


During the October 13, 2020 School Board Meeting, the Measure S Citizens’ Oversight Committee presented the group’s annual report summarizing the prior year and affirming that the expenditures were consistent with the intention of the parcel tax.

A critical source of funding for South Pasadena Unified (SPUSD) schools, the Measure S Parcel Tax has been in place since 2009 and was renewed by voters in 2018. SPUSD uses parcel tax proceeds to fund teachers, school staff, and academic programs and helps maintain manageable class sizes at all grade levels.

In addition, these funds specifically pay for District library services, Visual and Performing arts programs, counseling programs, and advanced instruction in core academic areas including science and technology.

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Thank you to the members of the Measure S Citizens’ Oversight Committee including Chair Lindsey Angelats, Vice Chair Aarin Edwards, Members Janet Anderson, Lauren Black, Ann Foster, Noel Bahamon, Julian Petrillo and Diane Shires, for their commitment to SPUSD students.