SIGN UP FOR SUMMER TUTORING | Hodis Learning & Music Has Proven Results Achieving Academic Goals

Tutoring: Summer School Tutor Hodis Learning & Music is the best options for summer school in South Pasadena, San Marino, & Pasadena
Pasadena, South Pasadena, & San Marino Summer School Tutoring can help take the stress out of the accelerated classes while achieving your academic goals

Hodis Learning & Music (HLM) can help you achieve your academic goals with summer tutoring, available in almost all common core subjects for elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. Whether you’re taking a summer remediation class, you fell behind last year and need to catch up, or you’re looking to get ahead for the upcoming school year, HLM provides expert, personalized instruction at reasonable rates.

Tutoring summer school: Best tutor south pasadena, San Marino, Pasadena: Hodis Learning & Music. Drew Hodis provides incredible services for students on all levels.
Drew Hodis | Founder & President of Hodis Learning & Music.

“Our educators all have at least a bachelor’s degree in their respective field of study,” explains President and founder Drew M. Hodis, “and they also have years of tutoring experience. Most have worked with students of different needs and abilities, including both neurodiverse and neurotypical students. So when you sign up for tutoring with us, you’re getting the best educators who can truly meet your unique needs.”

While tutoring is available all summer from June to August, it’s best to sign up sooner rather than later to ensure you have a tutor who can meet at your preferred time on a regular basis. Starting tutoring earlier in your course will set a strong foundation and help you gain a thorough understanding of the subject material. You can also identify and work through challenging concepts as they come up, rather than waiting until an exam or final. When looking to get ahead for the school year, starting your tutoring early in the summer will allow your tutor time to review the material you covered the previous year and tackle new, more advanced topics.

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Learn more about the subjects HLM offers by visiting or sign up for summer tutoring today by filling out a contact form, or call (626) 227-1149.