On Thursday, February 8, students in AP Photo and French 3/4 classes traveled to the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena to see artworks created by artists they studied in class.
Thanks to a generous grant from the South Pasadena Educational Foundation (SPEF), AP Photo teacher Rouzanna Berberian and World Languages teachers Debbie Mogel and Erin Kanner collaborated on a joint lesson about Fauve artists. Following an expert lesson from Ms. Berberian about Fauvism, AP Photo students provided black and white images of the SPHS campus to the French 3/4 classes, who then used tracing paper and oil pastels to turn them into colorful, Fauvist-type masterpieces.
After studying the works together, AP photo and French 3/4 students used their visit to the museum to see some famous examples of Fauvism for themselves. The students’ artwork will be displayed in the SPHS library to share with the campus.