HAY FEVER | A Wacky Weekend in the Country

Theatre review | South Pasadena Theatre Workshop

PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop
PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop

A delightful afternoon tea of witty banter and British madcap shenanigans await you at the South Pasadena Theatre Workshop production of “Hay Fever”, Noel Coward’s 1925 play that he wrote in three days at the tender age of 24. Director Sydney Walsh gives us an all too rare opportunity to experience one of Coward’s lighter and most popular pieces in a production that brings out not just the subversive wit but an unexpected physical comedy as well.

PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop
PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop

A theatre actress of a certain age, Judith Bliss is restless as she settles into retirement at her genteel and decidedly bohemian estate in the English countryside. She is already plotting her return to the stage spurred on by the thousands (actually one) fan letters she has received. She is exasperated with her spoiled, ill-mannered adult children, Simon and Sorel, and weary of being ignored by her novelist husband, David, who holes up writing in his study. In short order we discover that all four family members have invited guests up for the weekend unbeknownst to each other which causes great distress as each of them anticipated a quiet weekend.

PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop
PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop

Sorel has invited a shy, reserved “diplomatist” and brother, Simon, has invited Myra, a woman his mother clearly is not fond of. Judith has invited the young pugilist, Sandy Tyrell, who is besotted with her, while husband, David, has invited the working class and somewhat dim-witted Jackie. All the while put-upon housekeeper, Clara, makes sure everyone is properly settled and fed. One by one, each guest is increasingly discombobulated by the eccentric and egocentric histrionics of the Bliss family members while also revealing their own motives and desires. But will the Bliss family win them over or prove just too too much for any outsider to comprehend? I won’t tell, but the machinations and human pretzels they turn themselves into to get their way is a scintillating, hysterical ride to watch.

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PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop
PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop

Walsh’s direction grounds the zaniness in characters who are unapologetically human – simultaneously self-possessed and self-obsessed – coupling the clever, rapid-fire dialogue with dancelike physicality that makes the whole thing sing. Sam Cass is side-splittingly funny as an utterly effervescent Simon, an aspiring artist bursting with a passion that only increases upon the arrival of lovely Londoner, Myra, played with sultry saltiness by Erin Coker. Madeline Godwin is a goofily charming Sorel, fluttering about with a rather eccentric inability to conversate in a normal manner as she tries to pull the shy Richard Greatham out of his shell. Andrew Tippie is splendidly understated in his hilarious portrayal of Richard, who is overwhelmed by how completely out of place he is in this artistic world where everyone performs, never more so than during the charades-like parlor games when he is thoroughly lost.

PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop
PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop

Kila Packett brings a fervent, dynamic energy to Judith’s ardent would-be paramour, who has a boyish crush on the actress but is clearly out of his element on every level imaginable, as is David’s young guest, Jackie, played with incredible deadpan delivery by the beguiling Fiona Rose Dyer. And Nicola Bertram brings the most amusing unimpressed pragmatism to the role of housekeeper Clara.

Which brings us to the heads of the household, Sally Smythe and Clay Wilcox as Judith and David Bliss, who are playing them to the absolute hilt of navel-gazing, attention seeking drama. Smythe masterfully plays all of Judith’s colors from grande dame of the theatre to pouting, martyred mother or helplessly flirtatious coquette and everything in between and Wilcox goes beautifully toe to toe with Smythe as the quintessential tortured writer and misunderstood husband.

PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop
PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop

This all happens on a sumptuous Clay Wilcox set accompanied by bouncy 1920’s jazz tunes – so on the 100th anniversary of “Hay Fever” I can think of no better way to celebrate than spending an afternoon or evening taking in the crackling good time that is Coward’s wild and wonderful world.

Hay Fever runs through July 14 at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop located at 1507 El Centro Street in South Pasadena. The show runs for two hours with one intermission. Parental discretion is advised; the show contains adult themes and depictions of smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol.


Performances are on Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30pm, Saturdays at 5:00pm, and Sundays at 3:00pm, with a pay-what-you-can performance on June 20. Tickets are available for $35 with a $5 discount available on all performances for seniors and students with valid I.D. using discount code SENIORSTUDENT at checkout online. Tickets can be reserved online at www.southpasadenatheatreworkshop.com

PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop
PHOTO: Jennifer Dakan | The South Pasadenan | The cast of HAY FEVER on stage at South Pasadena Theatre Workshop