Food for the Holidays | South Pasadena T.E.A.M. Connects With Businesses to Help

PHOTO: Dean Serwin | South News | Local referral group, South Pasadena Connections, donated to Institute for the Redesign of Learning.

The South Pasadena Connections chapter of T.E.A.M. Referral Network partnered with IRL and donated $810 towards the purchase of 125 bags of groceries. The groceries were provided to students at Almansor Academy, Christmas lunch for 80 adults with disabilities at the Transition and Adult Services program, pizza and salad for 88 kids and their parents at the Early Childhood Education program cookie decorating event.  All of the money was spent within South Pasadena at Grocery Outlet and Mamma’s Pizza.

Since IRL partnered with South Pasadena Grocery Outlet on past projects, they coordinated together again and $1 at Grocery Outlet stretches farther that at other chain stores. Each bag contained pasta, marinara sauce, soup, tuna, granola bars, and cookies/biscuits. Students also received hot chocolate in their holiday treat bags.

PHOTO: Dean Serwin | South News | Local referral group, South Pasadena Connections, donated to Institute for the Redesign of Learning.

Grocery Outlet provides vocational opportunities for IRL students and adults who all have special needs and many require on-the-job coaching. 

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The South Pasadena Connections chapter of TEAM Referral Network provides a charitable donation each year.  Last year, they provided 300 washable face masks and 300 small bottles of hand sanitizer to the Midnight Mission.  This year, they decided to stay closer to home and support IRL with a group donation from their monthly dues of $400. Member Fred Sohl of Supreme Lending challenged the members to at least match the amount in additional personal donations, which they did, with a bit extra.

The South Pasadena Connections chapter of TEAM meets every Tuesday morning from 8:30 -10am and is always interested in having visitors, in-person or via Zoom.  TEAM is a National referral network and they are always interested in having new members join.