Eagle Project Presented by Otto Staudenmaier

Otto Staudenmaier of South Pasadena Scout Troop 7 presented his Eagle Project to Marengo Elementary School on Friday, May 31st. 

PHOTO: Eric Staudenmaier | South Pasadenan | Otto and his former teachers (and past principals) still at Marengo, L-R: Tiffany Lewis, Katherine Perry, Valerie Omine, Rachael Wong, Otto Staudenmaier, Kim Sinclair, Patricia Cheadle, Principal Noelle Fong, Ron Aschieris.
PHOTO: Eric Staudenmaier | South Pasadenan | Otto and his former teachers (and past principals) still at Marengo, L-R: Tiffany Lewis, Katherine Perry, Valerie Omine, Rachael Wong, Otto Staudenmaier, Kim Sinclair, Patricia Cheadle, Principal Noelle Fong, and Ron Aschieris.

Founders Day is a long-standing Marengo tradition. The event honors volunteers, both past and present. Honorary Service Awards are presented to outstanding volunteers in the Marengo community. Each grade level performs a dance for the community as a thank you to the volunteers for a year of service.

Otto Staudenmaier, a rising senior at South Pasadena High School and former Marengo Lion, has been planning on replacing the 5th Grade Maypoles since Middle School as his Eagle Project. “My family had repaired and rebuilt a couple of the maypoles when I was at Marengo, so I knew this would be a good project for me.” Otto replaced all five maypoles with a new design that enables them to disassemble for storage.

PHOTO: Eric Staudenmaier | South Pasadenan | Otto Staudenmaier presents his Eagle Scout project at Mareno Elementary Founder's Day celebration.
PHOTO: Eric Staudenmaier | South Pasadenan | Otto Staudenmaier presents his Eagle Scout project at Mareno Elementary Founder’s Day celebration.

Otto will continue to remain active in Troop 7 during his final year of High School. Otto’s future plans include a career in aviation.

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PHOTO: Eric Staudenmaier | South Pasadenan | Otto Staudenmaier presents his Eagle Scout project at Mareno Elementary Founder's Day celebration.
PHOTO: Eric Staudenmaier | South Pasadenan | Otto Staudenmaier presents his Eagle Scout project at Mareno Elementary Founder’s Day celebration.