A Safety Reminder for the 2018 Spiny Lobster Season from the US Coast Guard, Local and State Agencies

The United States Coast Guard; Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department; California Department of Fish and Wildlife and local public safety agencies held a joint press conference this morning to promote a safe recreational California spiny lobster season which begins on Saturday, September 29, 2018.

PHOTO: Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau | SouthPasadenan.com

During the last 12 to 13 months, four fatalities have been investigated by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Special Enforcement Bureau. One of those fatalities was on opening night, and that has also occurred on other years as well. On average, there are four to six fatalities each year.

All divers are urged to exercise caution and remember these top five safety tips before diving:

  • Have a medical assessment by a doctor before diving.
  • Always dive with a buddy, and leave details of your dive trip with someone ashore who will report you overdue if you run into trouble.
  • Plan your dive, follow your plan, and provide your emergency plan to someone on shore.
  • Choose dives that match your training, experience and fitness level.
  • Practice emergency procedures, like dropping your weight belt and inflating your buoyancy compensator, in a controlled environment.

The normal hazards of water sports and recreation are more dangerous for those spending time below the surface. Strong ocean rip currents can occur at any time of year. Water temperatures, limited air supply, reliance on equipment for survival, and the lack of underwater rescue capabilities all make it essential that divers are fully aware of their own limits and prepared for all possible problems.

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PHOTO: Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau | SouthPasadenan.com

Diving safety experts report that many accidents stem from people underestimating the hazards associated with diving, and overestimating their own physical fitness and skill levels. They stress the importance of the buddy system, planning, fitness and medical issues, and awareness of weather and sea conditions.

Divers should not let schedules, peer pressure or costs push them beyond their capabilities. People who have invested time and money to plan a dive trip, or sport fishers anxious to harvest fish during a set season, may be tempted to dive in unsafe conditions or overexert themselves. It is a good idea to have an alternate activity planned in case a dive trip has to be cancelled for weather, equipment, or health problems.

For more information please visit https://www.diversalertnetwork.org/
For questions or additional information, contact Davonte Marrow, PA1 Coast Guard Public Affairs, Los Angeles Office: (310) 521-4267, Duty Cell: (310) 781-0619