Free Slurpees for Good Kids! | SPPD Operation Chill Beats the Heat

Since the program’s inception in 1995, more than 21 million “Operation Chill” coupons have been distributed by law enforcement agencies across the United States and Canada

PHOTO: SPPD | Operation Chill 2019. Free Cold Treats Program Partnership with 7-11 Convenience Stores

The South Pasadena Police Department will again be teaming up with 7-Eleven stores in participating in “Operation Chill.”

Through “Operation Chill,” officers can issue a “ticket” to children for doing a good deed, like wearing a bicycle helmet or looking both ways in crosswalks.

The “tickets” are coupons that are redeemable for a free small Slurpee drink at participating 7-Eleven stores.

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Since the program’s inception in 1995, more than 21 million “Operation Chill” coupons have been distributed by law enforcement agencies across the United States and Canada.

In addition to encouraging positive behaviors, Operation Chill provides opportunities for officers to establish a rapport with kids in a neighborhood. The reasons for being “ticketed” are varied, but the result is the same for every youngster: A free Slurpee drink and a smile for a good deed.

“Operation Chill was developed by 7 -Eleven stores to reward and encourage good behavior for children during the summer months,” explained SPPD Crime Prevention Officer Richard Lee. “Officers can issue a ‘ticket’ to children for doing good deeds like obeying traffic laws.”